Application Form
Since the goal of OCR is to fund research that will lead to continued support at the national level, the standard NIH forms (Form 398) should be used, or a reasonable equivalent thereof. In either case, the application should contain the following information:
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- Name and degree of the principal investigator.
- Mailing address, phone/fax numbers & e-mail address of the principal investigator.
- Title of project.
- Citizenship and Visa status (may be included in biographical information).
- Amount requested for first year (direct plus indirect costs).
- Total amount requested.
- Performance site(s).
- Name and address of applicant organization for sponsored research.
- Name, title, and signature of the institutional official.
- Signature of the principal investigator.
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- Abstract: Abstract of project.
- Lay Description: Include a paragraph written in simple, 2nd-grade-level, non-technical language which describes the short-term and long-term goals of the project and how they relate to cancer or leukemia. If the project is funded, this description will be used for promotional or other public relations materials.
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- Table of contents.
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- First Year Budget: Detailed first year budge including personnel costs and fringe benefits, equipment, supplies and miscellaneous expenses. Please note that no funds for travel or renovations are permitted. Include a line for direct, indirect and total costs for the first year. Indirect costs cannot exceed 10%. (Indirect costs not paid to equipment or patient care.)
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- Entire Project Budget: Budget for the entire period requested (not to exceed two years), listed by category only, and including a justification of budget.
Additional Information
The following should be placed after the budget justification in the order indicated below:
- NIH format biographical sketch of principal investigator (this should include citizenship and/or Visa status if that information is not included on page 1.
- NIH format biographical sketches of co-investigators or senior scientific staff.
- Current and pending support of the principal investigator, listing title, agency, amount of award and inclusive dates. Include a description of institutional startup funds, and indicate any overlapping or duplicate proposals.
- Facilities available (1 page maximum).
- Documentation of human subject approval, including dates and protocol number. If no human subjects are to be used, a statement to that effect should be included.
- Documentation of approval for the use of animals, including dates and protocol number. If no animals are to be used, a statement to that effect should be included.
- Documentation of approval for the use of biohazards, if applicable. List all biohazards to be encountered in the course of the research, including recombinant DNA, and a statement concerning how risk will be minimized.
Outline of Proposed Research
Sections 1-4 below may be no more than five (5) pages maximum, exclusive of references. No appendix materials are permitted.
- Specific aims. State the short and long term goals of the project.
- Background and significance. Include a brief summary of work done by the principal investigator and others relevant to the proposed project. Indicate the significance of the project and its relevance to cancer/leukemia.
- Experimental plan. Describe the methodology to be used to accomplish each of the specific aims. Describe the results that are to be expected and how they will be evaluated. Indicate the potential pitfalls of the approach, their significance to the overall success of the project, and alternative approaches that will be considered. Although explicit details of procedures are not required, enough information should be available to allow a knowledgeable reviewer to assess the validity of the methodology to be used.
- Proposed schedule of experiments.
Literature Cited
List the authors, title and complete citation of each reference cited.
Seed Money Justification
Include a justification of why seed money is required for the proposed project. This should indicate how the results obtained will allow the investigator to obtain peer-reviewed funding at the national level. The strongest applications will discuss how the anticipated results will be used as preliminary data to support future studies, as well as listing examples of grant mechanisms that will be pursued and a timetable for submission of such grant applications. (1 page maximum.)
Suggested External Reviewers
- In the provided spreadsheet, list the contact information for at least six senior scientists, unaffiliated with you and outside the state of Ohio, who could be contacted as expert external reviewers of your proposal.
- These individuals MUST HAVE NO PREVIOUS OR CURRENT FORMAL AFFILIATION with the investigator(s), but have some expertise in the area of your grant proposal.
- Return the completed spreadsheet to
- Remember to include the applicant’s full name and the application title.
The contact fields are:
- Salutation (DR, MR, MS, PROF, etc.)
- First Name
- Last Name
- Suffix (PhD, MD, etc.)
- Title
- Department
- Institution
- Phone number(OPTIONAL)
This information is vital to the review of the applicant’s grants submission and the application is considered incomplete without it.